Source Recovery of COBOL or Assembler source code from IBM MVS or VSE executable programs
Source Recovery of COBOL or Assembler source code from IBM MVS or VSE executable programs

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Fred Brandes

Recover Assembler or COBOL Source Code from Mainframe Executables

The Source Recovery Company (SRC) is recognized as the ONLY company in the world who recovers COBOL or Assembler source code from IBM MVS or VSE executable programs. Our foundation is a patented technology: ReSource™.

Missing or mismatched source can happen at anytime. It is typically identified during:

  • Language Updates or Migrations. No longer supported compilers, CICS or DB2 upgrades sometime require all source to be recompiled.
  • Audit/Risk Analysis. All of the source MUST match your executables. What percentage would fail this test in your organization?
  • Mergers/Acquisitions. Acquiring new application systems during a merger often results in a few missing source modules. They're the ones that got 'left behind'.
  • Application Modernization. Rewriting or replatforming the entire application is too slow and very costly.
  • Disaster Recovery Testing. True offsite testing means you can't go back if you didn't bring it with you.

We can help!  SRC offers two services:

  • Full recovery - gives you a perfectly compilable program guaranteed
    to produce a load module that is functionally equivalent to your original executable program. Turnaround for a full recovery is generally 5-10 business days.
  • Quick recovery - gives you a raw recovery generated from the ReSource™. It can be turned around in 1-2 business days.
Our technicians are able to completely and accurately recover source code in far less time than it would take to rewrite any program, by combining the ReSource™ technology with their specialized compiler knowledge. 
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